Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Construction of Crucible Set Continues

As the opening of La Cenerentola,this year's Fall Opera selection, approaches, set designers and builders are continuing construction of a completely new set for the premiere of Robert Ward's Pulitzer prize-winning opera, The Crucible. This Winter Festival production will feature the first set ever built 'in-house' by the Sarasota Opera technical team and marks the beginning of a new American Classics Series, designed to highlight some of America's greatest operatic contributions.

Recently, the work has been centered on the construction of the bedroom scene, which will be used in Act I, Scene 1 of the production. Yesterday morning, the team had nearly completed the bare construction of the set. By the afternoon, they had successfully completed and assembled the framework, quickly disassembling it to begin the painting process.

To the left is the image of the completed set. It is very much a work in progress, however this completed framework marks a major milestone in the construction process. 

On the right is another view of the completed bedroom structure. Although, the scenic material is now free-standing and physically complete, it must enter the decoration stage. In the photograph below, the individual components are spread across the floor of our very own William E. Schmidt Opera Theater, receiving their first coat of paint.

  Keep checking the blog for more photos and updates on the construction process!

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